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What is Qigong?

Qigong is an ancient practice reaching back several thousand years. Qigong is made up of two Chinese words: Qi (pronounced 'chee') is the vital life force energy which flows through everything, (other words for 'Qi' include 'prana' or 'bioelectricity'). Gong (pronounced 'gung') means skill or work. Qigong is working with energy, or the subtle body. This might be a difficult concept to grasp since we cannot see or touch our energy. However, we can see and feel its effects in much the same way that we can see and feel the effects of gravity. This vital energy is the force which animates everything, bringing it to life; “With qi everything grows. Without qi everything dies.” (Master Li Jun Feng) It is the spark which stimulates the heart to beat, the lungs to breathe and the stomach to digest. It is also the force behind a seed starting to sprout, the wind through the trees, the waves in the ocean, and the planets spinning in the solar system. The same energy that flows through the Universe, flows through our body. We have the ability to store, circulate and balance this energy, using it skilfully to heal ourselves, or emitting it to help others.


How do we practice Qigong?

Qigong is an integration of breathing techniques, physical postures and movements, and focussed attention. Our practice typically starts by becoming 'present' using breathing techniques, followed by movement and stretches to activate our energy and warm up our bodies. We then progress to a series of gentle flowing sequences, and this is where the magic happens! These slow, fluid, rhythmic movements are deceiving, but less is definitely more; moving slowly, with effortless ease, allows our body to reset, realign and heal itself, enabling us to re-establish the connection between a calm mind, a relaxed body and balanced emotions. We finish our practice by settling our energy and gently focussing our attention.


What are the benefits of Qigong?

Quite simply more energy and less stress! We are busy being busy, but this constant activity leads to tension and tightness in our bodies, causing our energy to become depleted, stuck or stagnant. When practising Qigong, we are able to clear tension and tightness, transforming stress to vitality, increasing our energy levels, clearing our mind of mental 'clutter', cultivating health and preventing disease.


Who is Qigong for?

Qigong is for everyone, it is a gentle, but effective, practice requiring no special clothing or equipment. It can be practised by all age groups from children to senior citizens, regardless of physical ability or fitness level. 


"Take that feeling into the rest of your day!"

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